[2021-23] GEO-Design Master at Design Academy Eindhoven, NL, graduated cum laude
[2020] Semester at Architecture and Design Faculty of Özyegin University, Istanbul, TK
[2018-21] Design and Art Bachelor in Bolzano, IT, graduated cum laude
[2022-23] graphic designer and curator for DAE Lecture Series, Eindhoven
[2021] junior graphic at Studio Folder, Milano
[2020-23] assistant curator at BAU southtyrol, Bolzano
[2019-20] LUNA, die lange Nacht der Forschung, exhibit design and project coordination for Eurac (research institute), Bolzano
[2019] illustrations for the publication “150 anni della Querini” for Fondazione Querini Stampalia, Venezia
[2019] design of a new bus stop for the city of Merano
[2021-23] GEO-Design Master at Design Academy Eindhoven, NL, graduated cum laude
[2020] Semester at Architecture and Design Faculty of Özyegin University, Istanbul, TK
[2018-21] Design and Art Bachelor in Bolzano, IT, graduated cum laude
[2022-23] graphic designer and curator for DAE Lecture Series, Eindhoven
[2021] junior graphic at Studio Folder, Milano
[2020-23] assistant curator at BAU southtyrol, Bolzano
[2019-20] LUNA, die lange Nacht der Forschung, exhibit design and project coordination for Eurac (research institute), Bolzano
[2019] illustrations for the publication “150 anni della Querini” for Fondazione Querini Stampalia, Venezia
[2019] design of a new bus stop for the city of Merano